
I mostly write about environment and climate. Almost all of what I have written ends up on my Daily Kos page, but some articles are only found at the site of our local watchdog paper,  Whatcom Watch.

Here are a few that I’m especially proud of:

IMG_4133Our Cousins of the Salish Sea includes interviews with experts on cetacean rights, including Howard Garrett, Lori Marino, and Thomas White, on the topic of whether orcas and other cetaceans should be considered to be nonhuman persons:

Here is my review of The Wisdom of the Shire, a very highly recommended book by Noble Smith.

They’ve Got the Money. We’ve Got the Humans!  showed how people protect their community from the plans of polluters. Kind of like hobbits, actually.

If you think that Lucraphrenia isn’t a word, you haven’t read Lucraphrenia: The Mental Effects of Thinking Too Much About Money:

Another fun word: Combustapalooza!

If we want any hope of protecting our environment, we probably need to think hard about the word “Growth

101 Reasons to be Concerned About Coal Export became a commonly used reference for hundreds of people providing their public comments about a proposed coal export terminal in Whatcom County, WA.

Cause of Death: Accounting Error takes a hard look at how failing to fully account for the costs of fossil fuels is causing our country, and the world, to make tragically misguided decisions.

It has taken me a long time to realize that a century is a very short time: Time, in a Timeless Place.

And a very personal tribute to my Dad.